ARVRtech Solutions
Published On: December 10th, 2018|By |Categories: ARVRtech Solutions|

You could tell more about the benefits of Immersive4Learning platform in some of our previous blogs.

Our company remained at the frontier of innovation thanks to partnership with the team behind NTC Learning, accelerated learning for talents.

The primary intention of the NTC Program is the practical implementation of new discoveries from the field of educational neuroscience in classrooms and everyday life. Play, as the child’s intrinsic motivation, represents the key factor of the NTC Program implementation.

Dr Rajko Rajovic, Creator of NTC pedagogical model holds PhD in neurosciences and has won a prestigious MENSA award.

With his team of renowned experts Dr Rajovic created the program that has been recognized and successfully implemented in 15 European countries so far.

In 7 countries it has also been accredited by the Ministry of Education, while thanks to several projects (IPA CBC, ERASMUS PLUS, UNICEF) it has been done in Europe (Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria and England).

The role of our company and Immersive4Learning platform is to provide the technology support and to transform the accelerated learning into 3 D world of VR, AR and Artificial intelligence.

So far NTC Program functions in three implementation phases which follows the development stages of young and creative minds.

In the first phase the focus is on the complex motor activities, including fine motor skills, dynamic eye accommodation, rotation, balance, and movement.

In the second phase of the NTC Program learners move towards the abstract: abstract classifications, abstract seriations, and association.

Still, in the third phase learners develop divergent and convergent thinking, and functional knowledge. Those three phases encompass sensory-motor and cognitive development of children.

And to such a demanding program with international accolades our company’s platform becomes a perfect partner because of 4 main benefits for the learners and potential corporate partners who may invest in that project:

1. Our Innovative ITS enablesmulti-domain and multi-pedagogical model support suitable for the use within VR environments.

Divergent and convergent thinking is stimulated thanks to new environments and frontiers that VR worlds enable

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms help the authoring process to teachers by providing guidance.

This support for teachers is manifold and has been created according to the feedback that was well-received: how to structure the material, which pedagogical methodology to use and how to generate VR spaces using templates and semantic analysis of teaching aims.

3. Monitoring the behaviour of students in the VR domain.

Monitoring is provided in multiple ways: by observing movements, eye focusing, type of interaction in order to classify the learning style which will then be used in the personalization process.

4. The automatic generation of virtual spaces and dynamic personalization methods.

In months to come our team is committed to integrate innovative NTC pedagogical model within VR Immersive4Learning platform.

You can also watch the video of Dr Rajovic’s presentation of NTC approach.

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